Monday 22 September 2008

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

After another late night on Sunday sat out on the cockpit of Pikorua with Barry, Marie-Jeanne, Jennifer and Marie-Jeanne’s parents talking about the cruising life and our plans for the future until the early hours. We had an early-ish start with Octavio due to arrive at 9am to collect our main sail for repair, well hopefully anyway.
Octavio and his colleague did arrive at 9.30am and wasted no time in getting straight up on deck to remove the sail and battens. The sail was neatly in its bag and on its way to the shop within about 20 minutes. We are not sure yet exactly when they will fit in the repair, but we understood later that they are having to make a larger ring for the head of the sail in the workshop and it will be about a week as they are very busy at the moment.
Another quiet day other than that, battling with iTunes and starting the loading of my audio books ready for the next long passage.

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