Saturday 25 July 2009

St Augustine

When we arrived in St Augustine from the boat we could see the fort and not long after there was a canon fired and it was almost as if they were firing at us!

So we all were intrigued to go and see what it was like.

DSC06620 (1280x611)Castillo de San Marcos Fort

The fort is over 300 years old and has been through many battles but this does not stop the park rangers from shouting at people for leaning on the walls. The walls are made from Coquina which is shells possibly oyster shells we think and they have been compressed together to from a solid brick which when shot at the canon ball is just absorbed by the wall.

There also were many canons and other types of weapons and ammunition all around the fort.

DSC06662 (1280x960) Dad

Also looking around the British quarters were interesting to see how crammed in they actually were for one bunk bed four men were expected to share two in each bed.

DSC06665 (1280x960) British quarters

From the top of the fort it was really nice but very hot there was a good point to it though and that was there were really good views of the surrounding area of St Augustine's.

DSC06687 (1280x960) Top of the fort

DSC06686 (1280x960) View from the top of the fort

For our dinner we came across an English restaurant so we decided to go in and see what it was like.

DSC06691 (1280x960) Sean in the English restaurant

It was very traditional and reminded us all of a typical English pub in how it was decorated.

We then had a quick shop around to get a few presents and other items for ourselves and we came across a very nice shop which sold homemade fudge, ice cream and chocolate and just the smell as you walked past was enough to tempt you to go inside. We ended up buying a block of rocky road fudge which was very tasty but you could only eat a small amount at once as it was slightly sickly.

As we knew we would be sailing tomorrow we all thought it would be best if we were to celebrate Sean’s birthday a night earlier.

We spotted a very nice restaurant called O.C Whites and we all really enjoyed out meals as they were delicious!


Alex Penney

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