Friday, 10 August 2007

Heavy weather planning

Planning for the inevitable heavy weather at sea is great sat inside a house on a nice sunny day, thinking it won’t happen to me, ha ha…..

Having had previous experience of heavy weather at sea, then planning what will be a very real situation before you know it is worth every effort and is time well spent before the going gets tough, which at some point it will.

After reading various forums and no end of articles about planning for heavy weather tactics, I have found a product, which I am happy with, being from an engineering background, I am a firm believer in product development and a tool, which has been designed for a specific purpose.

I am more than impressed with the ‘sea brake’ this is a product, which has been designed for assisting with heavy weather tactics at sea. When the going starts to get tough and the dark clouds are gathering on the horizon and a sense of impending doom is upon you, I don’t want to deploy a ‘builder’s bag’ and hope for the best, knowing that for the sake of half a days pay I can have a product, which is designed for the job.

I don’t mind spending the money on something, hopefully, I will never use, but, and there is always a but, a bit of insurance and planning not to fail, in my mind is a precaution I am prepared to spend some hard earned cash on.

I won’t try and explain the ‘sea brake’, just go to the web site and see for yourself.

I think it’s a brilliant piece of kit and it will be part of my planning for a day or days of ‘big’ seas.

This should please our Australian audience as it is a product from down under, we have already at this stage had a couple of Aussie watchers, G’day mate, don’t be shy and drop us an email, hope you like what we are doing and you never know on the way round we could meet up!

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