Monday 5 May 2008

La Coruna

We made it! We are now sat in an internet cafe with 10 minutes until closing but thought we´d better send a quick update to let everyone know that we have arrived safely. The final day of the crossing was a little less leisurely with some large Atlantic swells and some stronger wind which was good to see what the boat was capable of. We made it into La Caruna this morning after slowing our arrival to arrive during daylight. We also had to run the gauntlet of suicidal Spanish fishing trawlers, who would do complete 180 turns to come back at us at ramming speed even at night, which certainly helped to keep us awake through the last night of watches!
The marina is fairly basic but the sun is shining and we have we have located the supermarket for refreshments! We are looking to stay for two nights before pushing off again for the Canaries, weather dependent (hence running to the internet cafe for a download).

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