Saturday 10 May 2008


We are still gradually working our way pass Portugal and expect to pass
level to Gibraltar tomorrow. However, if you look at a map, it's still a
fair way from there, so we are just taking one day at a time.

The squalls of yesterday's update continued until about lunchtime today
throughout the night with higher winds (20-25kts) and 30kts under the
squalls and some fairly large swell. Invincible is handling it all very well
though and we are just taking everything steadily. When looking at progress
and likely transit points we made a choice not to pass the inshore route
across Lisbon Harbour and Gibraltar Straits by night (as we would have done
on the previous track) with all of the shipping traffic and crazy trawlers
that entails but to cut across the shipping traffic early yesterday when we
had some good visibility and obliging winds. We had originally planned to
take this route but couldn't cut across earlier due to misty conditions the
first day. We managed to get across the traffic and headed south outside of
the south bound lane.

The shipping traffic has been much better since and so we are now on a
direct route south to the Canaries and well out of the way of the busy
heading into the Med.

Position @ 17:00:
Distance run = 363 miles
Position = 37 32'.465N, 09 55'.117W
Distance to Graciosa, Canaries = 525 miles (reduced by more direct route)

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