Monday 28 July 2008

San Sebastian , La Gomera

The morning started with a well deserved lie in for us all. Jo went to the marina office to check us all in while Kevin made some breakfast. Today we planned to explore the town, we set off and soon found the main street which is full of beautiful shops, restaurants and quite strangely their was a few car manufactures including Mercedes Benz which is strange for a small island.

Next we came across a church called our lady of assumption where Christopher Columbus was thought to of said his last mass before he left la Gomera for his Atlantic crossing where he discovered America. The next find was a small carpentry business where Kevin needed some ply wood to replace the seat on the tender as it had broken, we went in and Kevin explained what he needed and the man who was German cut and gave him the wood for nothing which was really nice of him. Their was a lovely view near the carpentry which over looked the valley.

On our way back we discovered a lovely park with a fort in the centre, we headed and learned that it was built in 1450 by the first count of Gomera, Herman peraza it once contained treasures brought back by the conquistadors but now is used for antique maps and local artefacts map with extra island.

We headed back to the boat for some dinner, first Kevin checked the to see if the seat fitted but it was 50mm too short so he decided to send Alex back tomorrow. Later I and Alex decided to walk to a beach close by called playade la cueve which has a lovely view over the sea of mount Tiede; we did an hour of snorkelling then headed back. We settled down for our dinner, Kevin had made some brushetta for starters which went down a treat, main was Canarian potatoes with ribs and Jo made a flan for desert which was the first time I had eaten it, it was delicious. After our dinner I and Alex got some bread each and fed the fish in the marina, there are hundreds of mullet fish and a few more other different breeds after that we relaxed. We was all sat out side on the boat chatting till late then decided to watch a DVD, apocalipto directed by Mel Gibson, which was a good choice as it was set at the same time as Christopher Columbus was around and showed him discovering America at the end, by the time the film had finished it was 12.30am so we all retired to bed.

Sean Penney

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