Saturday 21 June 2008

Day Sailing, Papagayo, Lanzarote

About 11am on Sat we threw off the lines and headed out for a day’s sailing. My dad had also managed to hire some cylinders locally so he and Kevin could “clean the hull” whilst we were out as we have not yet managed to buy any for the boat in the Canaries as they are about double the price of the UK. As we left the marina it was blowing steady 15 knots, perfect. Obviously, by the time we had headed into wind and got the sails up, we were down to 5 knots of wind because we had moved into the lee of the large volcanoes sheltering Playa Blanca.

Kevin & Angelo

So, we head offshore a little and headed east past Papagayo beach, eventually settling on a close reach (wind just off the bow – pointy end) when the wind returned to pass south of Papagayo beach and head up the coast of Lanzarote. We had to tack (turn bow through the wind) a few times in order to get round the point of Papagayo but then set off on a broad reach, the best point of sail for a catamaran up the coast. We were heading into the current so it was a little choppy, but even those with the least hardy sea legs on board were comfortable with the motion. We were hitting 15 - 17 knots of wind heading along the east coast and touch 6-7 knots of boat speed under full sail, so it was a pretty good conditions. Unfortunately as we had to return the cylinders by 5pm, we didn’t have the time to make it all the way up the Quemada to the anchorage there, so we turned about and headed back to Papagayo, which was perfectly sheltered.

Kevin & Jo

Kevin and my dad kitted straight up in their dive gear to check the anchor and the hull whilst Angelo and Michelle observed snorkelling above them. I prepared us all some lunch, though it was now already after 1pm and by the time the divers were back on board it was already 4pm by the time we had eaten and it was unfortunately time to pack up and head home. However, a good day was had by all, the wind had picked up to about 20knots by the time we got into Marina Rubicon, typically as we had to moor up, but Kevin again did a great job of bringing us alongside. I forced them all to a slideshow and to watch my carefully edited dolphin video which is unfortunately far too large to post on the internet until I can get some compression software. They bore holiday snaps well assisted with some beer and Michelle and Angelo were kind enough to give us a copy of their pictures too which are included in this blog entry.

Resting post-holiday snapshot slideshow

After another rinse down of the boat, dive gear and ourselves, the evening was finished off with a really good meal in L’Artiste restaurant on the seafront, which our guests were kind enough to treat us to. The staff are very friendly in the restaurant and the food excellent, Angelo being Sicilian was able to join in the banter, plus I guess the reputation of that area helps to ensure good service!

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