Tuesday 17 June 2008

Playa Blanca – Lanzarote

We have now left Corralejo and we are anchored off the beach at Playa Blanca, the sail over was an interesting one with 22 to 25 knot head winds all the way, the boat took it all in its stride.

On our way over we took a different route, going round the island of Lobos, which was a possible anchoring point, but on closer inspection the wind was to strong, so plan B came into action. The island I am sure must have been used in the film “The land that time forgot”, we are reliable informed from the cruising guide that there is life on Lobos after 5.00 o’clock.

We have just spent 2 days at anchor without even bothering going ashore, some time spent swimming in the warm clear blue water, checking out the anchor and the hull, which is as clean as a whistle, both of us spending time catching up on our reading, generally just chilling out, but today we are planning on a ride in to inspect what is on offer locally.

Jo’s parents accompanied with some friends are due out in a couple of days, all looking forward to doing some sailing on the boat, so the weather gods has decided that the wind, which has been a steady 15 to 20 knots every day, perfect sailing conditions, should now die, we woke up this morning to the calmest conditions we have seen since being in the Canaries, flat calm.

We think the glass bottom tourist boats are having a competition between themselves to see who can get the closest to our stern and a consolation prize for the one who can make the biggest bow wave, they always do with a smile, bless um.

El Puertito - Isla de Lobos

Kite Surfers off Fuerteventura

At anchor off Playa Blanca


Anonymous said...

Great pictures... and am so glad that you're enjoying our coastline! I shall head down the front tomorrow and give you a wave.

Sail safely guys!

Elle xx

Kev & Jo said...

Hi Elle,

Thank you for the comments and we have been looking out for you, Sunday should see us chilling out on the boat so by all means pop round to say hello.

kev & Jo

Anonymous said...

Hello from Seattle, WA!

I have been doing some online searching for information on cruising and came across your blog. We are a family of 4 and former owners of Roxy, a 32' Beneteau First. Max single handed her from Seattle to Hawaii, Palmyra and Fanning before coming home to Seattle to work for Boeing. We have been dreaming of sailing the South Pacific and are enjoying the adventures of other cruising couples and families while we plan.

We have been thinking of the pros and cons of mono vs. multi hull and I was excited to see you have the latter. I'm going to bookmark your blog so we can follow your circumnavigation.

Are you familiar with Lawrence Pane? He wrote Chasing Sunsets. He contributes to several sailing magazines as well. We have recently enjoyed his book about sailing with his son and wife; taking notes on what to do, what to take and how to prepare a family for such an adventure. Did you have any books, websites or blogs you found helpful?

Thank you for letting us live vicariously through your journey. Every experience, good, bad and indifferent is helpful to us. We look forward to hearing more!