Friday 10 April 2009

Cane Garden Bay, Tortola, BVI

Our first full day in Cane Garden Bay and we decide to have a bit of an explore. We head ashore and find a well stocked minimarket though it is, as everywhere in the BVIs not cheap and prices are not marked on much of the stock. However, they do have a good selection of fruit and vegetables and we stock up on salad and fruit.

We also find that rubbish/garbage disposal here is free and there are two large skips on the edge of town which we make use of.

It is a small but fairly friendly place with a few bars along the lovely fine white sand beach which is filled daily with bus loads of cruise ship tourists arriving in the brand new super trucks with elaborate paint jobs. The cruise ship trade must be good money in the BVIs. Chickens walk down the street and the local hairdressers on the main street does the local hair styles in front of old wooden dressing tables like those you threw out 20 years ago, such that I though it was an antique shop the first couple of times we passed.

We do a little hand washing on board and amuse ourselves watching the many charter boats which come in and out daily.

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